Full Body German Shepherd Cartoon Caricature Portrait in Black and White Style from Photo

Preselected options



Digital Style




Black and white

Upload photos *
Caricature specifications

How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.

Drawing requirements

Describe your overall drawing idea - include as many details, such as hobbies, favorite stuff, desired positions, clothing, objects and background.



Product description

A German Shepherd makes everything better. In case you need a gift for German Shepherd dog owner, a cartoon caricature portrait in black and white style might be the perfect gift. It will make a memorable and personalized gift for any occasion for a dog lover. The caricature is fully hand drawn from photos. You can order it by uploading a photo of the German Shepherd you want to portray in the section down below. The caricature will be sent to your Email address as a ready-to-be printed JPG file. We also offer additional delivery options at extra-cost: Canvas, Photo-paper, Mug or T-shirt. Worldwide shipping is available.

Full Body German Shepherd Cartoon Caricature Portrait in Black and White Style from Photo